Photo of Jorge GARNICA Argentina

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Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on August 9, 1956. Never errtico For Albino Dieguez Videla * For several years the creative methodology Jorge Garnica assume all risk of automaticity. But he knows getting the hand perfectly follows the dictates of the subconscious, as he liked to the Surrealists. From a practical idea, which may be in the form and electric bulb filaments one or the appearance of a flower, Garnica details, vivisection reality, illustrating with captions written in an alphabet...
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Photo of Jorge GARNICA Argentina

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on August 9, 1956. Never errtico For Albino Dieguez Videla * For several years the creative methodology Jorge Garnica assume all risk of automaticity. But he knows getting the hand perfectly follows the dictates of the subconscious, as he liked to the Surrealists. From a practical idea, which may be in the form and electric bulb filaments one or the appearance of a flower, Garnica details, vivisection reality, illustrating with captions written in an alphabet zero. This concatenation signogrfica only signal the need for a visual language for communication, underlines the non-reading. Prior to this, Garnica dejfascinar by certain constants archaic folklore, often-an-persist, very evanescent in his paintings. With this appoggiatura asctica creespacios circle presided over by l, minimally-brush wedged between them also concomitant with written language, with which Engam get curious effects. These works were less than today's argument, in which the painter stops at the effects concerning, arising out of your memory. These are cross appointments between women and men, and their sexes, and all flora re-presented, re-raised. The result is a rare poetry-EXPRESS, in addition, that the drawings submitted to the Oriental aesthetic antiga this technique, and paintings and toys, high contrast chromatic - to what was achieved after an eventful instrospeccin. In his generation, Jorge Garnica at one of the least errticos artists I know, because before stating test travs l causes and effects of plastics, adopting a smart approach that should never be creative stuff forget ... * Member of the Association Argentina, and International art critic SOLO Galera CAV 1985, BA 1986 ANGELUS Galera, BA 1990 Galley NOW IN THE ARTS, BA 1990 Gallery of M. CULTURAL COMPLEX MORENO Bernal, Buenos Aires 1994 Exhibition of Drawings, Municipal Museum Eduardo Svori, BA, TMGral. San Martn. 1995 Exhibition of Paintings, Eduardo Svori Municipal Museum, Buenos Aires, Recoleta Cultural Center. Indik ADRIANA Galera 1996, BA 1997 Sica - Sanders Gallery, Houston USA EXHIBITIONS (last nine years) 1991 Award GHUNTER, Harrods, Space CAYC. Award BLADES "Space CAYC Harrods. Award ART NOW ", Fund. Santamaria of Salon Buenos Aires Municipal "Manuel Belgrano" CCRecoleta. "DNI" CC.Recoleta. Prize Drawing "Anchorena Lucila de Urquiza. WARD salon. Salon 1992 Municipal "Manuel Belgrano" CCRecoleta. Alliance Francaise Award, CCA Fortabat. Foundation Award PROARTE of Córdoba, Caraffa Museum. 1993 5to.Concurso "Quinquela Martn, Boca Museum. Salon XXIX National Drawing and Printmaking. Salon Municipal "Manuel Belgrano" CCRecoleta. Prize Drawing Anchorena Lucila de Urquiza. Painting Salon 1994 GEP Prize Foundation CAYC - KLEMM, Recoleta. CAYC Award-Galera del Este Recoleta, XIII International Conference of the criticism (Selected for Mural). "100 boxes" Galera Filo, Buenos Aires. Heritage Artists 1995, Museo Eduardo Svori. "New Presence in Art Argentino", Fund. Argentina Patricio Bank Association of art critic. Award University of Palermo, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes. "5x5x5" Eckell - Medici - Meijide - Giovanetti - Garnica, Galera-Assoc VERMEER Argentina's art critic. Award Fortabat 95, CCRecoleta. TELECOM ARGENTINA Award, Birth of Culture Chambers. SILVER SENIOR Bank Award, MNBA Art x Art Galley. "70-80-90" (70 artists from the decades `80 and` 90) 1996 Art MNBA BA'96, Gale A. Indik, CCRecoleta. Award University of Palermo, MNBA. First Hall of the Critique of AACA, National Halls Culture. Municipal Manuel Belgrano Salon (Drawing and Painting), Museum Svori. Austria Prize `96, MNBA. National Drawing Salon. "AEIUO" CC Recoleta. "70-80-90" International Days of Criticism, Borges Center. Panorama Drawing Contemporary Argentine, Borges Center. 1997 The Erotic in Art. CCBorges. Costantini Collection Award, MNBA Fortabat Foundation Award. Unilever MNBA Painting Prize - EW Hope, C. Cultural Borges. Salon Municipal Manuel Belgrano, Sivori Museum. Collective Gallery Artern. Prize Fund. Proarte, Caraffa Museum, pcia. of Cordoba. Novartis Award, MNBA 1998 1998 Award-University of Palermo University Award MNBA Salvador, Centro Borges. "Painting: discourses and gender", Gallery Salon Artern-AACA Manuel Belgrano, Sivori Museum. "Signs, markings and symbols." Philo Art Space. Artists Books, National Library. Poetry X Artists. Borges Center. "Objects", Contemporary Art Center, Quilmes , Province of Buenos Aires 1999 Award for artistic creativity, National Endowment for the Arts, CCRecoleta. Marca Galeria Azul / Mexico INTERNATIONAL GROUP EXHIBITIONS 1989 Latin American-CUBA Galera. 1993 11th. CLEVELAND INTERNATIONAL-DRAWING BIENNALE, Cleveland Gallery, England. 1994 Cleveland Gallery Touring exhibition in BWA Gallery, Wroclaw, POLAND, BWA Gallery, LUBLIN, POLAND, THE GALLERY, THE BLAG, POLAND, TATRANISKA GALLERY, POPRADTATRY, SLOVAKIA. STATE GALLERY, Ostrov, CZECH REPUBLIC. ALS DIE Zeitgenössische Zeichnungen MEDIUM (The dilbujo as a means contemporary) Förderpreis KARLSRUHE, GERMANY. IX Bienal Iberoamericana de Arte, Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City. Garnica-Leal 1996, Sica-Sanders Gallery, Houston, Texas. USA. AWARDS: 1985 Third Prize Drawing for Artists Nveles AADA (acquisition). 1987 First Prize of the Sociedad Argentina de Artistas plastic. Salon XXII Mention Award 1988 National Drawing and Printmaking. 1989 Mention of Honor Salon APS - CGE. Mention National Museum of the Chaco. Municipal Salon 1990 Third Prize "Manuel Belgrano", sec. Drawing (acquisition). WARD Salon 1991 Second Prize (acquisition). Alliance Française 1992 First Prize, Salon of Drawing and painting. CEP 1993 First Prize Foundation, Section Painting. 1994 Mention of Honour - Award CAYC - KLEMM paint. An introduction Artist Award 1994 awarded by Argentina's Assoc art critic. Special Jury Mention 1995. Bco Award. Wholesale Silver-Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes. Argentina Association 1996 Award of art critic, Prime Painting Hall of Criticism. Award 1997 National Endowment for the Arts - Fund. Proarte of Cordoba. WORKS HAVE Svori Museum, Buenos Aires Casa de las Americas, Havana, Cuba. Nicaragua Embassy in Buenos Aires and Collections of Spain, Japan, Italy, Argentina, and the U.S.. University of Essex Collection of Latin American Art (UECLAA), England. PUBLICATIONS: Joyce or The Voyage of Language - Ed the Economic Culture Fund. AREAS of Philosophy and Letters - University of Buenos Aires Ed. Illustrators 40 Argentinos - Ed A. in Art - RAF, Illustration and Design. Ed La Urraca. Criticism and Art History Argentino, AACA-Telecom. 70-80-90 edition National Museum of Fine Arts. Magazine Cassandra Fund. Osyra. ARTLIES Magazine, Houston, USA. ART IN AMERICA, Guide 97-98. USA. X Artists Poems (Allen Ginsberg), Instituto de Cultura Duilio Marinucci. BE REFERRED TO YOUR WORK: Sarah Guerra, Cesar Magrini, Jorge Glusberg, Rosa Faccaro, Toms Alva Negri, Horacio Safons, Albino Dieguez Videla and Donald Calledare (USA).

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